Grant Awards

Please see our Apply to a Grant Page for our appeal guidelines.

Listed below are the deadline dates and trustee meeting dates for grant submissions. Earlier submission is encouraged.

Deadline date Trustee meeting date
Meeting 1 2024 Friday 16th February 2024 Friday 8th March 2024
Meeting 2 2024 Wednesday 29th May 2024 Friday 28th June 2024
Meeting 3 2024 Friday 15th November 2024* Friday 6th December 2024*

* Earlier interim meeting to consider grant submissions before 30th September 2024 may be held in October. Otherwise, grant submissions received before Friday 15th November 2024 will be considered at the 6th December 2024 meeting. 

Appeals arriving after papers are prepared for the trustee meeting will be retained and carried forward to the following meeting.

Incomplete appeals will be discarded if information is not received within 12-months of the initial appeal being received.

Appeals should be emailed to